Become Fully Booked™ 2-Hour Live Implementation Workshop


You're great at what you do, but you're not Fully Booked... yet.

Become Fully Booked is a 2-Hour Live Implementation Workshop for Business Owners that want to WORK WITH MORE CLIENTS, without wasting time on Complicated Funnels or Expensive Facebook Ads.

Here's what you'll learn inside of The Become Fully Booked™ Implementation Workshop

  1. You will map out your exact plan for taking your business from HALF BOOKED to FULLY BOOKED in a single calendar year

  2. HOW to INCREASE YOUR PRICES by becoming the MOST VALUABLE choice in your industry.

  3. Steal my high-converting marketing frameworks valued at over $5000.00 CAD (social media posts, follow up conversation starters, email templates, etc.) for INSTANTLY converting more leads into paying clients

  4. Know how the heck to PROMOTE yourself effectively and figure out WHERE your dream clients are (I am giving you access to my super secret 'Where Are The Clients' calculator!)

If you're not sure how to take your business from partly-booked to fully-booked, you're in the right place.

You're going to figure it ALL out with the precise frameworks that I'm giving you inside of this workshop and you will map out your exact plan for taking your business from HALF BOOKED to FULLY BOOKED in a single calendar year.

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