304 Behind-The Scenes of The BEST Business Mastermind For Female Entrepreneurs

Emily Elliott

Mindset & Success Coach

This week I'm welcoming Mindset & Success Coach, Emily Elliot, back to the podcast!

Emily is a former Naturopathic Doctor turned Success Coach, and she is also my BUSINESS PARTNER inside of Your 2023 Leap (90 Day Business Coaching Program) and The Mastermind (a high level space for female entrepreneurs).


In this episode, we chat about...

  • The Origin Story of our Mastermind (why we created it, what we talk about inside of our weekly meetings, who ELSE is inside of this beautiful group, and why it's different from other Business Masterminds!)

  • How the Mastermind is pushing me to chase my vision of working less, paddle-boarding and cycling more, and creating the perfect balance of work and play in my life.

  • The importance of finding a group of Female Entrepreneurs & Community with shared core values, and why it's VITAL for continued growth and success.

  • My personal journey of immersing myself in 'The Masculine' for many years and joining masterminds dominated by men, but realizing that something was missing.

  • What Emily and I learned and gleaned from spending over $100,000 collectively on OTHER masterminds!

  • The type of women inside of our group and what some of them have identified as their reason ‘why’ for joining.

  • The outcomes and successes that our Mastermind members are having.

  • A sample of what each of our weekly Mastermind Meetups look like & MORE!


Access the transcript for this episode:

  • You're listening to the visionary life podcast. I'm your host, Kelsey Reidl.

    Each week, I'll bring you conversations with the most visionary humans on this earth, in hopes that you'll be able to absorb their wisdom, avoid their failures and feel less alone on the roller coaster ride that is entrepreneurship. This season, I'll be chatting with creative thinkers, masterful marketers, brick and mortar shop owners, brand builders, and people just like you who have a story to share or a vision that inspires.

    If I can share one quick secret with you before we get into the episode. It's that we all have a little bit of visionary inside of us, you know, that spark that nudges us to pursue our full potential in this lifetime. But perhaps somewhere along the line, it got covered up, I'm here to tell you that it's never too late to explore that inner voice and access the brilliance deep down inside of you. It's in you, it's in all of us. Let's dive in.

    Visionaries I've been scheming something new for you with my friend and professional mindset coach Emily Eliot. It's called your 2023 leap. And it is a highly anticipated program created by myself, a marketing coach and Emily Elliot, a professional mindset Coach, your 2023 leap is the most practical and effective way to change the way you do business and life in 2023.

    And beyond. This is a program where you'll get tools every single week that are literally going to change how you interact with this world and how you earn in this world. Combined, Emily and I have worked with 1000s of women. And now you can get 12 weeks of access to us alongside a group of peers for a very, very low cost. And I'll talk about that more in a minute. But don't sign up yet. First, I want to ensure that you're ready for what's to come. So I want to make sure you're ready to actually master your entrepreneurial mindset, you're not going to be someone who is okay with the status quo, okay, making what you used to make in your corporate job, I want to make sure you're ready to implement marketing strategies to that are going to connect you with the growth and the unlimited clients you're looking for in just 90 days, I also want to make sure you're ready to take big leaps in your personal goals. So we know that as we grow personally, we also grow professionally. So if you're experiencing a block, maybe it's because of how you grew up, or something that's been downloaded onto you, it is affecting your capacity to grow your business. So we're going to teach you science back techniques to undo the blocks, break through them, and then apply the right techniques to actually see your business sore. I want to make sure you're ready to use social media to convert clients to build simple sales funnels, no complication here, that's not my vibe, I'm going to teach you how to use Google and SEO, which is going to be your long term strategy for getting more clients and patients and people into your business. And you also need to be ready to be surrounded by a group of people who have a fire under their butt who are ready to 2x 5x or 10x, their success, their confidence and the client bookings in 2023. If you don't like being around people who are kicking ass and winning in life, this group is not for you. So if you join your 2023 Leap, and if you're ready to join right now go to Kelsey rydell.com/ 2023. But you're gonna save time, you're going to equip yourself essentially with a million dollar Mindset and Marketing strategies to get yourself to your version of success in limited time.

    So we're saving you time when you join this program, you're gonna save money because normally if you were to hire both Emily and I, so Emily, as your mindset coach me as your marketing consultant, we would charge you more than $12,000. So it's not affordable for a lot of people at their stage of business. However, you can join your 2023 leap for less than $3,000. And we even have payment plans to make it super accessible so that you'll earn the money back in the course. And we're gonna save you energy because group momentum is real. I've been part of so many great group coaching programs, and you're among expanders so you show up to the weekly call. Everybody shares their wins or successes. And of course, there's time to share challenges. And then we work through it. And then the wheel starts rolling really fast. Because you hear that Sarah just had her first 10k month, you hear that Kristen has grown her practice by 36% You hear that Taryn just tripled her application rate. It's insane. And you're gonna go out and chase that too. So don't wait a minute longer. Your 2023 leap is for 20 individuals who want to access the tools and the techniques they need to reach their 2023 goals in business. We're going to be

    Getting on Zoom one time, weekly for 90 minutes for 12 consecutive weeks. And there's constant support in between. So you have access to Emily and I, for 90 days, you could literally message us every day over the 90 days and get full access, squeeze that value of $12,000 out. We are so excited, this is going to be game changing. And you can learn more and sign up at Kelsey rydell.com/ 2023. Our final cohort of the year starts on Wednesday, September 13. We're about half full already, so don't sleep on it head to Kelsey rydell.com/ 2023. Link is in the show notes and apply for a free discovery call.

    Hey, visionaries. Welcome back to the show. Today I'm sitting down with Emily Eliot, she is the co founder of the mastermind, her and I founded this mastermind in 2023. For women in business. And this is a really special space because we don't just talk about business goals, although that's a huge part of it. But we're also talking about health and wealth and happiness and doing it all as a woman but also finding that time for self care, and for nurturing and for honoring, you know, the masculine and feminine energy, which is something I kind of forgot about for many years of running my business. I typically surrounded myself with a lot of men in business, I was part of a lot of masterminds that I invested 10 or $20,000. To be part of that we're very much structured around.

    Here's your next strategy. Work harder, work longer work faster, nothing to do with what do you want? What is the vision you have for your life? How are you going to balance parenthood or having a family or allowing yourself to take a month off in the summer like these are the conversations I want to have because the vision for my life is not to work 80 hour weeks, the vision for my life is to have the business of my dreams that fuels the lifestyle that I imagine which is paddleboarding on a Thursday morning or going out for coffee on a Tuesday afternoon with my dad and making time for what really matters. And these are the conversations that we're having. So let me cue this up. So some of you may not know Emily Elliot yet. If you don't know her, you should know her. I'll leave her Instagram link in the show notes. Emily is a former naturopathic doctor, she used to be a top sales rep for Clinique. She has a plethora of skills in the holistic health world. And she is truly a master of shifting your mindset, your physiology, and embodying the personality of success. Even when you're running on one hour asleep, even when you don't feel like you have it all together. And she is a incredible leader of this mastermind, every single participant has reached out to me saying her teachings have been life changing, that they needed to hear her perspective, and that her questions and softness and holistic approach to growing a business has been completely life changing for these women.

    So that's Emily in a nutshell, she also has an incredible TEDx talk that you can listen to, it's all about giving up the doctor title. And I know that in her presence, you are going to completely transform who you are and how you live your life. So that's a bit about Emily, she is the co founder. So her and I co facilitate the mastermind. And this is a mastermind that meets every single Wednesday. We have guest speakers, we have Emily doing mindset trainings and success trainings. I'm doing SEO and social media trainings, how to have a five figure launch. And we're also doing mastermind discussions. So we allow any one of our 16 members to bring a topic to the table to say hey, I just launched this thing. I got a whole variety of people. I'm not really sure if I've attracted the right clientele or how I'm going to scale this. What would you guys do? Or hey, I'm making a major career pit career pivot. I'm having insane impostor syndrome. And I really need some guidance, because I have big goals, but I know I'm being held back. So we kind of alternate between these subject matters, but because we meet every single week, we just keep progressing forward with one another the connections keep growing deeper. And I mean, over my seven year career I've probably invested more than 100,000 in masterminds, and they have been the single biggest catalyst for growth in my entire career. I would be honestly nowhere without them. I cannot eat

    Been tote the benefits of all of these groups that I've been part of. Because what's neat is that somebody else is doing the curating. So Emily and I are curating the most epic room of human beings. And if you say yes to joining, you get to be part of it for 12 months and meet your next peers, business partners, best friends, colleagues, collaborators, people who have already gone through what you're going through, and who can give you the playbook. So

    I mean, this has been a project, I've been hosting masterminds, facilitating them for many, many years. But the mastermind that Emily and I host, it's different, it's better. It's every other mastermind on steroids for women, and we just can't wait to have you be a part of it. So we do have a couple spots open right now. Hence why we are recording this episode. And just seeing we only want one or two more people, we're going to keep the container small. And this is certainly not for everybody, right? This is only for you. If you're really feeling like it's time to immerse yourself in a really incredible group of women. We have online personal trainers and who have huge businesses. In the online space. We have people who have digital courses who are selling hundreds and hundreds per year, we have people running wellness clinics that are bringing in, you know, 500,000 to a million dollars per year of revenue. We have people who are blowing up on tick tock and they're signing most of their high paying clients that way. We have people who are pivoting, actually, and they had a successful career in software sales. And now they're moving into a different industry. We have people who are coaches and consultants and they are trying to scale their online presence right now and launch to bigger groups. So we're supporting them there. We have mamas who are in the early seasons of motherhood, who are in the late phases of pregnancy and who are actually preparing for a little bit more of a juggling act in their future and all are welcome here. So long as you are open to having an expansive vision for your business that allows you to live the best freakin life possible. I think you might love it. So Kelsey rattle.com/mastermind. I'll also leave the link in the show notes. And the best next step is honestly just to DM me or email me, and we'll hop on a call, see if it's a good fit. And that's it. Okay, so enjoy this episode with Emily Eliot. It gets really juicy towards the end. So don't end before the end. Does that make sense? Don't turn it off before the end.

    Or make sure you queue it up for your second drive of the day are your second walk of the day. All right, you guys enjoy this episode, and we will talk to you soon. Welcome back to the visionary life Podcast. Today I'm here with an extra special guest because she's also my business partner, my co founder in our 90 day business coaching program, and our amazing mastermind that we now have for female entrepreneurs. So welcome, Emily Elliot, welcome back to the podcast, actually, hello, Kelsey. It's always sunshine and rainbows when I get to see you every day, which means I feel like we are manifesting a very aligned life to be so excited to see you every day. I love it. And yeah, yesterday, you and I had two and a half hours of calls together we did our LEAP program, we're in week six of it, then we shifted gears into our mastermind. And it's so interesting because I talk to a lot of my friends in the space and they say they feel quite drained after having calls like that back to back. And much as I understand, I also feel like the groups we've created and the people that are inside of them. It's actually so life giving to be part of these groups. And I often leave feeling so much more fulfilled and inspired than I ever thought possible. How do you feel after being immersed in these communities? Yeah, I love that question so much. And I completely 100% agree with you that I feel energized, lit up excited, connected. And this is actually a really fascinating way to take inventory of our life is to look at how we feel after every single interaction. So do you feel charged or do you feel drained? And oftentimes, if we look, we can find energy leaks in our life where we are feeling more drained. So I think that's actually a good clue for people. If you listen to someone's podcast or their Instagram story, and you feel really good when you're consuming that content, there's a good chance that follow that lead, follow that lead follow that lead because he can bring you closer and closer

    To the people that are meant for you that are aligned that are a magnetic match. And I think you and I have, we are we've done the work to be aligned in our lives. So we've been attracting people in our groups and mastermind that are beautiful matches for us. Hence, energizing, uplifting, and feeling great at the end of the day. So all that to say, I feel the exact same way. And I feel totally blessed for that.

    It's so interesting that you bring up doing a simple life inventory, because I don't think many people do that. As much as maybe they could or should in life, like checking their relationships and saying, Did I leave that interaction or that coffee date feeling energized, or drain? Or each time you walk into work? Instead of like, turning off your emotions? Just checking in? Like, how do I feel when I walk into this building? Or when I do this type of project? Do I get energy? Or is my energy drained? So is this something that you do on like an ongoing basis? Or does it just kind of happen naturally at this point? Yeah, I think the closer and closer we get to our intuition,

    the more we can start to trust that it's taking us the right way. And I think we've been cultured out of trusting our intuition. So it's like, Oh, what is my teacher or coach or parent think I should do. But this beautiful magnetic life comes when we honor that feeling in our belly in our heart that says,

    Oh, my goodness, there's something there for me. So for me, intuition comes so fast, like I never doubt anything. I'm like, a, like an electrical vortex. I know the second it hits, I know what it means. But for some of us, we're coming to learn and trust what that means. What does it feel like in our body? You know, and what's the opposite? When our intuition is really not working for us, we can get anxiety, we can feel panicked. So this is a muscle and we're working to cultivate it. And I know you and I really bring this dynamic, beautiful interplay of strategy and energetics. And that's something we're teaching in our mastermind this month is how do you cultivate that muscle of intuition? Right? Because once you gotta go in, you can't turn it off? Mm hmm. Oh, it's such an important muscle to cultivate. And yeah, you mentioned our mastermind. I know that's something you and I feel very passionate about. And

    it is the coolest group to be part of because although we are all on separate pads, we have people who are coaches, we have people who are running wellness clinics. We have people who have been in business multiple years and have been doing this journey solo for so long. And we come together on a weekly basis to talk not only about business and our goals and where we're going. But we also bring in the lifestyle component and how are you finding balance as a parent or a caregiver? Or how are you finding balance while still working another job or managing your health? And these are all things I know you and I are super passionate about?

    I'd love to hear from you. What have been some of the biggest benefits of being part of these type of mastermind group? Yes. And then why did you feel so called to create one and bring our mastermind to life? It's such a gorgeous question. I would say that, you know, they're saying that loneliness is like the new smoking, even just from a basic health point of view. So if we use the health of our body and the health of our businesses the same thing, if you're feeling loneliness in your day to day, you know, mood and things in your body, of course, that's going to affect the rhythm or the pulsation of your business. So you know, being connected is going to inject lifeblood and inspiration and joy and happiness. And I know for me if I'm off like connection is my medicine, go to the group. See other humans have a laugh. Like we always open up our mastermind with like something silly like, you know what some random animal fact or your favorite ice cream flavor like just the human so we don't need to jump into like, you know, what was your biggest launch yet? We're all humans, we want to be seen and held and loved. And, you know, that's missing from our world. So the fact that you and I can create that for women, like lights my heart on fire and getting the messages weekend after I still needed that out

    It's the best part of my week. I remember when we closed off one of our last groups together, people were saying, this cannot be the last day, my heart justice, you know, and we know that we were able to offer impact and value based on those comments.

    So yes, I would say connection

    is the lifeblood of everything for vitality and business and life. And I would say that masterminds and groups, hands down, offer portals of possibility. So when you are in a group, and truly everyone in all our groups truly cares about each other. Like I remember the first day people were offering to go out and fundraise for someone's big vision and like, Oh, I'll get out there on the street, like, whatever it is big, small.

    And so let's say, when you're in these devoted spaces, you're always then top of mind. So you know, if you are the relationship coach, everyone's going to think of you now and refer. And when an opportunity pops up, you're top of mind. So that's just kind of one of the benefits that happens by being in a very devoted container where you're known and loved and seen. How about you fell? So you've also been in a lot of masterminds? What would you say? Are your

    big wins? And why were you motivated to create this? Oh, such a good question. Hey, I need to set this up with some contacts first, because when you were initially saying, like, we start our masterminds with connection, and laughing and like getting to the humaneness before we get into maybe the I don't know, like the the business II stuff or the strategy stuff, and actually reminded me of one of my first careers as a sales rep for a health food company. And I remember as I was training, I used to walk into the grocery stores and into the retail space. And I would immediately be like, Hey, do you want to buy this and like, I would talk to the buyer, but not do anything personal, not make a true human to human connection, and I would go straight to the sale. And it just felt so void of kindness and a true interaction or building on a true friendship. And I remember my manager pulling me aside once and she's like, you know, you don't need to jump straight into telling them about the promos, or asking them to buy something she's like, you know, maybe like, watch how your colleagues are doing it. They spent 90% of the conversation, just basically getting along and making friends with the person and learning about their dog and their kids and their life, taking them out for coffee, chatting about their hobbies. And then only in the final minute or two, they'd be like, and we've got a really big promo with the company would you like to buy and I just think that that's such an important skill that we're cultivating in the mastermind to like, this is a friendship, these are peers that are going to be with you for many years along this journey.

    It's okay to crack open and to be yourself and to not always have this facade of like, I'm here for business and everything's fine. We'll just talk about, you know, what's going on. And the numbers are the marketing department. And so I think that's an important lesson that I personally have brought into business, but also that we're cultivating in the mastermind. It's like, we are more than just business owners, we are more than just entrepreneurs who make sales and who have great products to market. We're also human beings. We are, you know, again, mothers, caregivers, lovers, like there's so much else happening. And I just think that's really important. So, in addition to you know, what you said about the connection piece, I would also say it's the space the one hour a week that you allow yourself to maybe crack open beyond just your to do list. So I think the tendency as people who have businesses is to have a list and to be like, Okay, I've got to record the podcast, I've got to send the email. And we forget that making connections getting out from behind our computer screen, interacting with people and like you say, to become top of mind as you know, the leader in your industry and to be known for what you do. That requires interaction and connection. And I used to think, oh, I can do this all alone. Like I'll just put my head down and work harder than any other person.

    I remember waking up one day about four years into business and going

    Oh my God, I don't know anybody else who's an entrepreneur, I'm lonely. I work in this office, by myself, I'm not making time to connect, I haven't been to a business conference. I was like, I don't think this is what you're supposed to do. And I ended up booking a Reiki session. And what this Reiki practitioner said to me was that you are not meant to do this alone. And I was like, what. And for me, that was the catalyst of like, I'm not meant to do this business journey alone. And so that was kind of the start of me seeking out different groups and communities to be a part of, and not being afraid to invest in becoming part of a group that was not only going to make me feel less alone, but that was going to connect me with people who were going to, you know, open doors and show me the way forward and actually accelerate my entire journey. Because every person who's in a group, like a mastermind, comes with such a unique skill set. Yeah. And then you get to become besties, with these people over the next 12 months. And you're all there with a common vision of growth and development. But yet, you have different businesses and expertises. So you get to like cross pollinate, and make the most beautiful strategic connections and partnerships. And above all, friends, like, I have met people who I now go cycling with, I have met people who I'm now just like, constantly DMing ideas with on Instagram. And, you know, I only found those people by taking a leap and saying, I think I should be part of this group. And maybe I belong in this room. And honestly, maybe I don't have to do this alone. Maybe we're not meant to do this alone, even if we are kind of solo, online business owners may still need, quote, unquote, colleagues. So yeah, those have been the biggest benefits for me. And I said this to you before we started recording, but like, I don't think I would still be in business if I didn't invest in groups, and conferences and events, because that's where my big leaps and learnings happen. They never happen while I'm taking like a self study online courses sitting in front of my computer. Oh, no listening. So yeah, that's why I so appreciate these groups that are curated, but also have that fun, flexible element to them. You said something really interesting, on top of I really love you said, create a space in your life for expansion. I loved that. And then the other thing I really enjoyed that you were saying is, I think you and I had a conversation a few weeks back, and he said to me,

    you know, what do you do or say to people, on the days that people just want to throw in the towel they want to give up? And my truest, truest answer. And I am the master at this is I always reach out to a resource. And when the more people you know, when something comes up in your business or life, you can kind of get that ping moment, like, actually, you know, someone can who can help. So whether that's a tax bill you weren't expecting. I mean, as entrepreneurs, we're professional learners, right? So you're gonna have something up, and you're gonna want hands on board, right? And so on the days that you feel like, I just want to throw in the towel on this business, I think the ultimate thing you can do is reach out to somebody. And like you said, were cultured, and to figure it out yourself, figure it out yourself, go look on Google, go look, and of course, but our best teachers are humans, truly. So I think that if you are looking for some remedies, or solutions, if you constantly feel like you want to throw in the towel, find a bigger network of people you can call on when you're having days like that. And I think that's the number one way to get your mind set up when you're having really low days. And I remember, I've always had this personality. I will go and find every resource around me and people are constantly amazed by it. They're like, it's so rare. So I was very, very scared in naturopathic college to take anatomy I heard that 30% of people fail. I was one of the people with no science background. I'm like, Oh, am I gonna be a lab percentage and then I'm like, No, I'm not

    because I'm going to figure out exactly what I need to do to pass. What are the factors and criteria of people who always pass anatomy. So I scheduled an appointment with the teacher. He's a, he used to be a surgeon in Europe, actually. And he sat down and I said, Dr. T, I need to know how to study for this course, because I will be in the passing group. I was like, I have anxiety. And he said, Emily anxiety is really can be a good thing. Because just an unhealthy anxiety means you go and find the strategies to make sure you know that you're gonna get them most likely positive outcome. So I did what Dr. T said, and I found people who passed anatomy and I made a little playbook. And I passed.

    So I think sometimes we get shy or nervous asking for resources. But we don't need to. People can practice their own boundaries, people get pleasure from helping other people. So ask yourself, how resourced Am I right now? And it's not just about the textbooks or Google or the internet, like how resource to are you with humans just like you. So? Yeah, well, I think that hits deep. And I'm assuming for some people listening to they're kind of nodding along going, wow, like I do rely on Google and self study courses and Instagram posts. But I don't feel like I have a very expansive network of people. And like you said, anytime you're having these like wavering moments in your life or business, you do reach out to your resources. And that sets you back on track. And that gives you the playbook for lack of a better word on what somebody else has done to navigate this situation. And I think that's super admirable, because I'm more of the type of person that would be like, don't tell anyone Don't call anyone figure this out on your own. Yeah. But especially as it relates to business, per se, I really don't think that's the best way to go. And it's cool to have that mindset of looking around going, I have curated this beautiful group of friends and peers and people who are further along the path and maybe behind me on the path, and everybody has the playbook to something, yes, why not reach out to them. And why not adopt that mindset of resourcefulness, knowing that if I can just be honest, like and say, you know, what, I don't know if I'm going to know how to study for anatomy, or I don't know how to launch a digital program. Yeah, but somebody's got to somebody's figure it out. And to tap into the person who does have that wisdom is such a amazing skill that I think we all could cultivate a little bit more. And getting back to that ability to ask for help, or to reach out when something feels uncertain in your life, versus to contract and say, I should just figure this out for myself, and don't tell anyone or let anyone in on what I'm going through. And I think too, oftentimes, we can feel just a little bit unsafe, sharing what's going on behind the scenes with some people in our life. But what I've found from being part of masterminds is because it is kind of a longer timeframe that you're committing to be part of this for, in our case, 12 months, so a whole year, you really start to get to know people, and the level of openness that emerges and the trust that develops and actually ends up being the space where I feel I can like, bear it all. And sometimes we're in tears on a mastermind, sometimes we're laughing together. And it's like, I haven't even maybe told some of my close friends what's actually happening. But yeah, in this space, everyone is holding space for an hour. So it is really neat. What forms when you commit to showing up week after week, saying we're all here to you know, to listen, to laugh to learn together with different goals, but similar visions for growth. Yes, I love that. That's a very potent reflection. You know, even in the mastermind. When women come forward and they share something that might have been held in their body, it's shame. You know, I made this mistake and I can't like deal with the fact that I made a mistake. Shame cannot live on when it's witnessed. Like it lightens the load, right? So these feelings in our body like guilt or shame when we when someone else can witness them, they start to dissolve more, right? So this is a big

    Part of business. And I think we think it's just metrics and data. No, it is. But we also have to do the work to keep our vessel open. Because I know even yesterday, you and I did a roundtable, we said, Ask Us Anything about launching a group program, because that's a hot topic right now people want to launch group programs. They're awesome.

    And what was cool was to see that we all as humans have shared fears. So I don't know, let's say we talked to 30 women, I'd say 90% of people, the fear is, what if I only get one person. So when you step to this round table, and you share your fear, and then you see that 90% of people have it, it just takes the heaviness off. And that's the word that kept coming up. It just feels so heavy. And we're like, what it what it we decided that landing your first group program member could be fun instead. And then you started to see the energetics lighten, because when we have these thoughts on repeated, repeated repeat our body, like you just said contracts. So

    that's a cool question for yourself when you're listening today is

    do you really think that big fear or stress or you have do you really think that you're alone with it? Or do you think a lot of people are going through it? And when you do a masterminding, we might be like, here, I was just thinking about that. Everyone else around me is too and it kind of just takes the edge off? Mm hmm. Oh, it's so good. Such a great question to check in with anytime you're feeling like, Am I alone in this or I'm just feeling totally stunted? Or stuck. And I think one thing that's really neat about the mastermind that you and I have created, is that you bring the mindset piece and always asking questions to dig a little deeper, and what's going on behind the scenes. And I often can come in with the strategy and the marketing and you would describe it, maybe you can actually describe this, like the yin and the yang, for somebody who's not familiar with that term. Can you explain that and how we bring the different dynamics? Yeah, so full credit here to my training room, Chinese medicine, I think Chinese medicine just knit, like hit the nail on the head, it explains stuff that just this so

    our world does not understand in the sense of allopathic medicine.

    And just the principles of energetics and how everything works. So you might be able to recognize the yin and the yang symbol, it's got the white and the black. So it's like there is no night without the day and without the day, there's no night.

    So they need each other because if there was no night, we cannot define the day, it would just be forever ongoing. So when we find this beautiful interplay of you know, these polarities, the the world is polarity, like light and dark, hot and cold. When we find that beautiful intersection, that's when we find wholeness, right. So what happens especially now in business is we lean really heavily on the young, which is action go strategy, get push burn. And then we have women that are so burnt out and get to the point they don't give a flying F about anything because they have nothing left in their body. So why don't we lean into more balanced energetic so we can lean into more attraction, and being Miss and listening and some of these softer skills

    the balance starts to strike in a way that the universe opens its ears and listens. So

    the best example I've used in our masterminds is when you're in sales would you rather buy from the person that's on Send mode and go and then I have this card is right it's gonna go really fast and then x 40 and you're gonna fill with this how fast the ball while you're just kind of like oh my goodness, or would you rather the person so this is more than a year the pulling back the listening

    and they just get to know you and they have their listening ears on and they hear that you really love surfing and you love driving with your best friend and stopping to get a coffee on the way like this is your life. So rather than being on the sand road and giving you all this information, you don't give a sh it about. they're then able to say, you know, Kelsey, I've really loved hearing about what's important to you. And I can really see you in this red car because it's going to have the perfect capabilities for your surfboard.

    and your best friend, Anna, you know, she's going to enjoy this feature of the seat. And check out these copy holders, you told me loves topping up good coffee, check this out. And it's like, whoa, your need is now fulfilled. So

    we need both, we need the ability to pull back and attract and ground and take care of ourselves. And then I also know people in my world that don't have enough young, which is what you're really great at making marketing, fun bringing this strategy, you have so much experience you seven years, you've worked with some of the best companies and people and you have life experience. And you you know, you're just such a wealth of knowledge. So if you're a new entrepreneur, and you're like, making this massive list of all this stuff you need to learn on your own. Working with someone like Kelsey, it's like, I've figured out stuff that works and does it. So you're shaving time and energy off your entrepreneurial journey because you're with one of the best. So that is my

    understanding of why yet any young energetics and strategy, Mindset and Marketing kind of make this beautiful magic fusion. What do you think? Well, that Kelsey, I love it. And it is the exact representation of like how each Wednesday is structured, like we're constantly balancing between someone coming to the table with a question or maybe something that's blocking them in their business or life. And we're really looking at it from like this beautiful, holistic, 360 degree approach. And I must say I have been part of some very male dominated masterminds before, and none of the softer side or the feminine aspect has ever been considered. So it's like you're stuck, because you're not doing enough, when in reality, that was not what I needed to hear. And in fact, that sent me into a downward spiral. Because what I needed was the self care, I needed to address some things that were going on as a woman, you know, that maybe my male counterparts didn't understand. And so I needed somebody like you at the time to give me perspective and to share that there's actually a different way to run a business and that we're constantly ebbing and flowing between the yin and the yang. And, you know, it is very helpful to hear both perspectives. And I loved seeing our group crack open, when we bring different ideas to the table when they share a challenge with us, and noticing how like, they're literally just like grabbing at both sides. And I think it's just really important that we are considering all sides of a human being especially a woman and considering working through their business challenges or what's going on behind the scenes. So yeah, that's really, really beautifully put, because I think the other thing you're touching on here is that

    nature, women, humans, we live in seasons. So when you and I show up to the table, I'm like, kind of hold space for this group. Some people are really in a season of like Kelsey, let's go, tell me how to SEO telly. And then like, let's go. And then six weeks later, it's like, well back, okay, I need a breath. And then they can kind of say, I'm kind of in a season and we're letting something move through me or I have a new creative idea. And then I can hold a little more space. So yeah, I think, too, is like trusting with seasons of your life. And when we try and just go 24/7 That's where we run into roadblocks to because nothing in nature is straight. Everything's seasonality. And I think we can take a lot of cues from nature and how we run our business and life. I think that's such a really important consideration, because I've actually noticed in many of the groups that I've previously invested in, not ours, but people will actually disappear from the group when they don't feel like they're in their momentum season. And that's because in many groups, there is no space for you if you're not working, actively working, actively achieving, actively producing and so you notice that people retreat, because they don't feel like space is being held for them or they don't feel like they can show up in a season of, hey, I don't really know what I'm working on right now. Or I'm going through that two year itch or I kind of want to burn it all down. Which is why I love what we've created because people can actually come into it in a season when they're like I'm on the rocket ship, baby. Let's go want to hit

    The six figure launch. And we're like, well, we got you, we've got a. And then we also have people come in and they're like, You know what things were going well last year, and then shit hit the fan. And I'm tired. I'm burnt out. I don't even know what I'm focusing on anymore. But I know I still have that little Ember that's burning. And we're like, we got you. So it's like, so cool, how there is space for you. But truly, I have never seen this in a mastermind before. I've always felt like, if you're not producing and showing up with like, the biggest win ever, you might as well not be there, because everyone else seems to have their stuff.

    And you and I are like, kind of laughing because we're like, even the fact we have whole female hormones is saying to us, like, Yo, you're gonna have two weeks a month where you feel like fire and where you want to zoom with a blanket on? Yeah, and it's like, we cannot override nature, right? Which is why you would I even said, we invite women, if you're nursing your baby and listening, you are welcome. And, you know, this is pretty raw of me to say, but I felt I'm not kidding, when I was pregnant twice, that I was not valuable in business, like making myself feel seen on Zoom, I was just like, I don't feel like I belong here. That is a really messed up feeling to feel like you don't belong when you're doing natural things like babies and periods and all those things. And the fact that we can override that complete bullshit brings me inordinate joy, because, like you said, productivity in our society is the only valuable thing. I refuse to believe that right? Our whole society is created on, you know, the fact that we do have these hormones to like, love and nurture and create a society. So do not tell me that other people's dreams have to go on hold, because of these parts that make us beautiful and human. So the love that you said that and love, I just love, love, love that we can do this differently. You and I have declared our values, we said how our lifestyles are as important as our business. We said it, you know, and we're living it, you and I are living it.

    And we say we've said it that being a woman is welcome and powerful. It's our it's our, our rocket fuel, like that woman is. So it is such a pleasure to do it differently with you something that doesn't really exist. And it's working, and people are loving it. So why don't we wrap up with giving people like a 32nd overview of what our weekly programming is? Because I'm sure some people listening are like, okay, but yeah, well, what do you do on a weekly basis? So yeah, kind of have like this, I guess it's a monthly rotation, where we bring on guest speakers that reflect the values that we've just shared. So, you know, let's talk about how our menstrual cycles actually impact our business. Let's learn from women who have set up the most epic systems so that they can kind of step away in a season where they have other priorities. So we've got people who are going to come on and share their brilliance with us. So that's one of the weeks and then we're going to alternate. I love it. Yeah, we're just keeping the like yin and yang topics. We've got some sexy strategy, like how to make your money work for you, you know, what else was coming money mindset, you have taught us so much about little tips and strategies around managing our money mindset, and blocks that we might have that could be preventing us about accessing that next level of money or wealth or abundance and some of the tools you have shared. It's so crazy because people have commented in our group like, Hey, I was just doing Emily's money mindset stuff. And then this appeared or then I found, you know, X amount of dollars and it's been so cool to just see these women working on their money stories. So a lot of credit to you on that topic. Cleaning out the cobwebs does your wallet look like it needs to go to the landfill? Is it all shredded? You know, do you lose your debit card? And then I think you and I are taking a lot of excitement and pleasure to in teaching the principles of sales. We talked about it earlier. You know, really nurturing relationships, having permission to ask

    For the sale, not just like throwing it at people. So we have two experts coming in before the end of the year as well. And then one we're fun well it's gonna wrap up our year is what are the characteristics of people who are undeniably lucky, and there's research behind it. So that's gonna be really fun, too, and so much more beyond that, I think Emily and I both have so much fun with the programming, it changes every single month. So no two months are alike. And as soon as you join the mastermind, you're actually going to get access to the archives of all the amazing trainings that we've already done. So I guess in wrapping up, if somebody wants to join, or even just like chat with you and me, we are super active on Instagram. So I would encourage I'll put both of our Instagram handles in the show notes. So I'd say the best first step is like send Emily or I a DM, let us know that you may be interested in the mastermind. And then we can just chat and see where you're at and what's going on and see if this might be a good fit. Or you can head to Kelsey rydell.com/mastermind. But yeah, I mean, I think the best first step is just make the connection with Emily your eye and see if this is the right space for you. Us. Amazing. Well, thank you, Emily. I hope you have an amazing rest of your week. And we can't wait to see everybody in the mastermind. So thanks for listening, everyone. I'll chat with you soon. Bye. Thanks for tuning in to this episode of visionary life. I love bringing you these conversations on a weekly basis. So it would mean so much to me. If you could help me out by rating and reviewing the show on either iTunes or Spotify.

    It just takes a second. And if you don't want to rate the show, you could also just take a screenshot of the episode and share it on your social media platform of choice tagging me at Kelsey rival. I'll catch you in the next episode.

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  • Start Your Online Business ($0 to $50,000k Blueprint): Click here to learn more about how The Visionary Method™ can help you ➡

  • Private 1:1 Marketing Coaching: Small tweaks to your Marketing Strategy can skyrocket your business success…. Working with a Business & Marketing Coach will help you identify new income opportunities, optimize your lead generation & sales strategies, and accomplish more than you ever thought possible, in just 4 months. Apply here ➡

  • The Mastermind by The Visionary Method™ and The Magnetic Life™: Join an intimate business mastermind for women who are running online service-based businesses, and who are looking to plug into a community of other powerful leaders who are ready to grow in their health, wealth & relationships. Hosted by Emily Elliot (Mindset & Success Coach) and Kelsey Reidl (Marketing Consultant). Applications being accepted now

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