3 Life Lessons Learned from an Amateur Golf Experience

Life & Business Musings from my Time On The Golf Course!

Learn how to draw parallels in your life, the differences between a pro and an amateur golfer, and so much more!


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3 Life Lessons Learned from an Amateur Golf Experience

I should be golfing the final 10 holes, but instead I’m sitting in a beautiful log cabin clubhouse looking over Manitouwabing Lake (say that name 10x fast 😆)

Even though it’s cold and wet weather today, Dave and I were itching to get out for an adventure (#notsurprising #alwaysadventuring) - so we packed up the car and drove 90 minutes away from where we are staying, and now we’re at the most beautiful golf course I’ve ever seen, called The Ridge At Manitou.


The reason that we’re here is because Dave filmed a promotion video for this course 2 years ago (his company 🎥 Visionary Media offers drone videography to golf courses, and other outdoor adventure sports + outdoor weddings). 

While I’m sitting in this cozy cabin clubhouse, I’m realizing that there are so many business & life lessons hitting me in the face right now, and I love it…


Here’s what’s on my mind 🧠


#1 If you want to move from amateur to professional, tighten up your goals & get to work!

For context, Dave is one of the best golfers I’ve ever met, and he works hard at improving his game. When he hits a tee shot, he’s not just looking to ‘hit it straight’ or ‘get it on the fairway’ like me. 

He has an exact target, a very precise goal - and he plays the hole out with a very narrow focus. 

Then there’s me, an amateur golfer…


I’ve got a wide focus. I just want to hit the ball forward. And much as I can hold myself through a round, I’m certainly not being noticed for my epic performance 🤣

Moral of the story?

Going pro takes practice, it takes years of dedication, and it starts at an amateur level and works it’s way up. 

Are you willing to be an amateur?

Can you fight through the messy middle and painful growth?

Will your big goals be worth it, if they take 10 or 20 years of hard persistent work?

I hope so— because whether you’re striving for a 7-figure business, a vacation home in Costa Rica, or to get that next promotion at work, it’s going to take time ⏰ Stay patient, visionary.


#2 Finding parallels.

I spent the first part of my day playing golf, then at night I played pool. These are 2 sports that are totally not my usual past-times.

They both involved little balls, and sticks that hit them around ⛳️  🎱 

Aside from the equipment being similar for each sport, they also couldn’t be farther from the opposite.

Golf has you immersed in nature,

Pool has you hovering around in a basement. 

Golf has you walking 10,000 steps,

Pool had you shuffling around a 10x5 table. 

But yet I found myself drawing so many parallels between the 2 sports. 

  • They require precision and accuracy,

  • They’re made easier with decent equipment,

  • There’s strategy in every move,

  • And most of all— they’re more fun with great company 😁

You might find yourself straddling 2 different works right now (ex you’re an employee and an entrepreneur, you’re a mom and a wild-woman who loves her freedom, you’re adventurous and you crave home time, you have crazy friends and you have wholesome friends). 

And it is my best guess that you can draw some beautiful parallels between these 2 seemingly unrelated parts of you. 

The cool thing is, the intersection is what makes me magical and different. Embrace it ✨✌️


#3 The only reason we’re golfing here is because Dave took a chance when starting his company, Visionary Media

His entire portfolio of business and all of his clients have actually been built on the most simple, and beautiful marketing strategy. 

It’s SO simple that I hesitate to share it publicly for fear that you’ll realize you’re making your OWN business marketing strategy WAY too complicated 🤣

Do you want to know what it is?

Ok… I’ll spill the beans because I can see you all leaning into your phones 📱 and saying “c’mon Kels just tell us!” 🤣🤪


Here’s Dave’s secret sauce to starting a service-business: 

  1. 1️⃣ Take on a few clients free (to build your portfolio and to showcase your expertise)

  2. 2️⃣ Do a really freaking amazing job (like 11/10 work) ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ 

  3. 3️⃣ If your clients love you, they’ll refer you ☑️


A simple way to start your business that almost seems ‘too good to be true’ - but it’s not!

Sure there are a few other factors at play…

  • You must be trustworthy,

  • Your services should be wanted / in-demand,

  • Your prices should be right,

  • Your follow up should be impeccable…

But all of this is common sense and generally unfolds once you get your first few clients 🙃



So many lessons from the golf course. Maybe this is a sport I should take up further?

After all, I was making 220 yard drives! Not bad for a girl who doesn’t play regularly 😉



🚨 Before You Go!

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And while I have your attention, thank YOU for taking time out of your busy day to read this blog and to trust that I have something valuable to share with you!

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