The Visionary Method, 1:1 Private Business Coaching


Exactly what you get when you invest in Private Coaching.

Price = $6988.00 CAD + tax*12-month payment plans are available, which start at $583/mo

Here's what's included when you're a 1:1 private client.

1 x 60-Minute Private Business Assessment Call

During this 60-minute bonus call, we’ll get to the bottom of your business growth roadblocks and explore immediate income-generating opportunities.

You’ll be introduced to our private progress-tracking tool, which manages all of our action items and keeps you accountable with due dates and weekly homework.

Momentum Month

We meet for 45-minutes for 4 consecutive weeks in Month # 1 to create massive momentum and to drive quick results inside of your business.

Bi-Weekly Private Coaching Sessions

During Month 2, 3 and 4 we meet every OTHER week to allow you the time and space to implement and test our strategies, with my full support. We will spend the first 10 minutes reviewing the work that you completed from the previous week, and then we’ll create 5-10 action items and a list of income generating activities that you’re responsible for working on.You will leave each meeting with a specific plan and set due dates!

Lifetime Access to ALL Course Materials (yes, you read that right!!)

You know how some coaching programs give you access for a limited-time only? Well we think that’s totally unfair. Each student works through our material at a different pace, which is why I am gifting you with lifetime access to our continuously updated materials and to our weekly group coaching calls.

Weekly Group Coaching Calls

Each Wednesday the entire Visionary Community meets on Zoom for a business training, marketing workshop or to hear from a guest expert! Our students look forward to this fresh content & chance to hang out with your fellow visionaries.

Unlimited Support Between Sessions

Ask me questions and have me review your work between our sessions. I check in on our project management software every day, Monday through Friday, so that I can stay up-to-date on your continued progress.

Bonus Gift

You’re worth it, visionary! This is a gift that will be sent to you upon completion of our coaching.

Price = Starts at $583/month OR 1x payment of $6988.00 CAD

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