Kelsey Reidl

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Top 5 Business Books that you MUST Read Before Starting your Business!

A good book that's packed with learnings, insights and new outlooks on how you approach your business,

Can make all the difference in shaping an incredible future for yourself.

Reading is one of the most rewarding experiences because it can lead you to new ideas and a good book often can guide you towards fresh strategies for improving your life and growing your business. 

Nothing excites me more than finding an amazing book on a topic that not only improves my life but also helps improve how I run things inside of my business.

It's such a double win, visionaries!

A good book that's packed with learnings, insights and new outlooks on how you approach your business operations can make all the difference in shaping an incredible future for yourself or someone else which is why I want to share some of my long-time favourites with you.

In my many years of practicing as a Marketing and Business Coach, I’ve learned that there are a few books that almost all of my most successful clients and students have read and benefitted from.

These books come up in conversation all of the time when I’m chatting with highly successful people, which is why I knew I needed to compile this list, for you.

Here is why I LOVE this book list:

  • They have given me diverse philosophies and perspectives on how to live my life and my business.

  • They eloquently explain the different kinds of struggles that every entrepreneur experiences.

  • They provide solutions and advice for a variety of problems and obstacles.

  • It was curated with the help of the amazing Visionary Community in a previous Mastermind Conversation!

When you join The Visionary Method™, you also join the wonderful community of like minded individuals who are always supporting and pushing each other, as well as receiving access to our weekly calls that are filled with marketing knowledge!

If a community that is constantly striving for better and pushing the boundaries on what’s possible in this lifetime is what you have been looking for…sign up for The Visionary Method™ here!>>

Let’s get into this list of the Top 5 Business Books that you MUST Read Before Starting your Business (or in the first few years!)

1. The War of Art – Steven Pressfield

Inside of The War of Art, the author explains the concept of Resistance which often obstructs the forward movement of business owners in the early stages.

Resistance is that feeling you get when you’re about to launch a  new project or put yourself out there in a way that you’ve never done before.

It tries to hold you back from your next level, and the challenge of the entrepreneur is to uncover a way to overcome the resistance and move through it gracefully!

A few other key points from this book include…

  • The more important “your call” or purpose, the more resistance you’ll face.

  • Resistance obstructs movement only from a lower sphere to a higher sphere – it kicks in when we seek to pursue MORE.

  • Resistance is the most powerful at the finish line – be wary at the end!

2. The Slight Edge – Jeff Olson

The Slight Edge goes in-depth explaining the key differences between how some people continuously achieve their dreams and success, while others continuously fail and give up. 

The philosophy the book is based on is “what are the small changes you need to make today to be better than you were tomorrow”

When we look at the things that drive success and help us avoid failure, they are SIMPLE. They’re the things you do every day that nobody else notices or comments on.

Key points in the book:

  • Oftentimes drastic changes lead to failure.

  • Successful people master the mundane while unsuccessful people do not.

  • Success is not the key to happiness; happiness is the key to success.

3. Atomic Habits – James Clear

James Clear provides a framework on how to create better habits that stick, break the bad habits that keep you stuck, and how to overcome lack of motivation and willpower through practical strategies. 

Using ideas from biology, psychology and neuroscience, James Clear gives easily digestible material on habit-formation.

Key points in the book:

  • The failure you experience trying to change your habits is not because you are the problem, the system you have in place is the problem. 

  • What are the systems you have in place that will help you reach your goals?

    • For example: your goal is to write a book, the system to achieve writing a book is writing 500 words a day.

  • Focus on tiny and easy changes to deliver big results.

Hey Visionary! Do you want some help right now with goal setting? Download the free Ultimate Guide for Goal Getters & Goal Setters right here!>>

4. The 4 Agreements by don Miguel Ruiz

As a disclaimer, this definitely isn’t a business book but it is worth the read because the concepts can be applied to any area of your life, including becoming an entrepreneur!

The 4 Agreements are based on the idea that everything we do is built upon the agreements we have made in life and with others, but the most important agreements are the ones we make with ourselves.

Most of the agreements we have are subconsciously based out of fear resulting in limiting beliefs, scattered energy and low self-worth.

The 4 Agreements that are based on ancient wisdom, help to transform your mindset to experience life with true happiness and freedom.

Key points in the book:

  • Our limiting beliefs create unnecessary suffering in our lives.

  • Communicate clearly to avoid making assumptions and use the power of your word for positive change.

  • Use The Four Agreements as your own personal code of conduct to improve your overall quality of life.

5. Playing Big – Tara Mohr

Although Playing Big is geared towards women, this is a great read if you are in the phase of your life where you are transitioning from your “regular 9-5 job”, to taking the plunge to becoming a full-time entrepreneur.

The book demonstrates how to be brave enough to take bold action and do the things your heart desires to do, and having the courage to show up and say things differently than others in order to stand out and use your voice.

Tara Mohr also has an email list that has been raved about and been highly recommended – you can sign up for it at the bottom of her website here >>

Other key points:

  • All the answers to your challenges are within, you just need to access your inner wisdom.

  • There are two types of fear that keep you stuck and unfulfilled.

  • Taking a leap is a distinct action that allows us to go big in our lives.

P.S. Is your business idea the next Million Dollar Empire? There’s only one way to find it…. BEGIN EXPLORING IT by using this free Idea to Action Workbook!>>

I hope this list has helped you find some new books to read that will help you on your journey of becoming an entrepreneur. 

Do you have a book recommendation that changed your life? Leave me a comment on my latest Instagram post letting me know what book I NEED to read!

Here are a few more books that have been recommended by members from The Visionary Community for you to check out...